Why I write poetry: Full Disclosure (A Poet's Regret)
- Pas De Deux
- The Hunger
- Xenophobic of Mudlarks
- Often, But a Little at a Time (A Pantoum)
- Circle of the Flowering Tree (A Chickasaw Prayer)
- Terra Incognita (A Prose Poem)
- Archetype of the Soul
- Rabbit
- Conurbation
- Second Audience
- Still Life (An Ekphrastic)
- Last Refuge (A Villanelle)
- Slow Suicide (A Pantoum)
- The Reduction
- To My Children's Dreams
- El Llano Estacado (A Prose Poem)
- Ode to Pablo Neruda's Pen
- Pieta (A Ghazal)
- The Light of Silence (A Villanelle)