The traffic between storytelling and metaphysics is continuous.

— John Berger

Steven Pressfield On Resistance and Writing

"When I began this book, Resistance almost beat me. This is the form it took. It told me (the voice in my head) that I was a writer of fiction, not nonfiction, and that I shouldn’t be exposing these concepts of Resistance literally and overtly; rather, I should incorporate them metaphorically into a novel. That’s a pretty damn subtle and convincing argument. The rationalization Resistance presented me with was that I should write, say, a war piece in which the principles of Resistance were expressed as the fear a warrior feels. Resistance also told me I shouldn’t seek to instruct, or put myself forward as a purveyor of wisdom; that this was vain, egotistical, possibly even corrupt, and that it would work harm to me in the end. That scared me. It made a lot of sense.

What finally convinced me to go ahead was simply that I was so unhappy not going ahead. I was developing symptoms. As soon as I sat down and began, I was okay".

- Steven Pressfield, The War Of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle, (p. 30)

Marginalia, Weekend of July 21st, 2013

Wendell Berry On Mark Twain: Every Writer is a Regional Writer