The traffic between storytelling and metaphysics is continuous.

— John Berger

The Incipient Air and the Laziness of Mystics

A wild incipience in the air / as if everything stilled is deeply active / the night cascading through the tall pines / until it's in the house . - from the poem "So Far" by Stephen Dunn, The Book of Hours

I held nothing against me anymore. - from the poem "Different Hours" by Stephen Dunn, The Book of Hours

How do we not go crazy / we who have found ourselves compelled to live with the circle, the ellipsis, the word no yet written. - from the poem "The Reverse Side" by Stephen Dunn, The Book of Hours

Mystics are experts in laziness. They rely on it, because they continuously see God working all around them. The harvest keeps coming in, yet they never even did the plowing! - The Essential Rumi, Coleman Barks, Jalal al-Din Rumi

Heirs of a Mythic Prefiguration

Speaking of Robert Frost